little red spots

Late in the afternoon I notice little red spots on her legs, she’s always had eczema (dry bumpy skin) but this was different. She didn’t really know how long they had been there (maybe a couple weeks), just a few little red dots. Not all over the body just the front of her lower legs?

Also we’ve noticed some extra bruising in odd spots.

She says she feels fine, no fever, no pains no complaints, eating all the time!!  She’s pale, so moms been pushing the red meat and trying to get her to eat more greens.  She has red spots on her face, we honestly thought it was acne.

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And it begins

This is a blog that Will have a good ending, the beginning and middle may not be.

Danielle is creative, smart, artistic, nerdy, loving, caring just the sweetest little girl. xxooxxooxxoo  She’s been a miracle from the day we knew she was joining our family and has been a sweet kind gentle soul from day one.  We’ve had people describe her as an old soul.  Mom and dad have always felt blessed to be her parents.


This past year, things have slowly changed.  We have been very hard on her as of late thinking she’s getting really lazy, never wanting to leave the house.  No energy, not taking care of herself-  Not wanting to really do much of anything.

In the past, She would come to the park with us and would run and play and swing and love the feel of her body moving and pushing herself, lately we would take her to the park and she was not her normal running like a “wild woman” self (is it just that she’s 10 and a girl, and she’s just going through natural changes?)



Easter 2014

Looks like they had a lot of fun, I didn’t get to go, but I’m glad to see the smiles.

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