Day 9 of chemo 4/26

Morgan stayed with Danielle last night so this is what we saw this morning when showing up at the hospital:

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I think these sisters had a good night together!  Morgan is really keeping her spirits up and encourages Danielle to work hard to beat this!  The nurse unhooked her IV for a few hours today and she and I snuggled on the window seat image image


I love this little lady!  She’s very special.

Devons first visit

Devon finally drove up to Doernbechers with Grandma Sandi and Aunt Dani today to visit Danielle in the hospital.  The kids were so excited to see one another, they got a little silly!! imageimageDevon couldn’t go into the ward imagedue to strict contamination rules (they are smart, he is a very germy little man) so tried talking to her thru the glass, when that didn’t work he told me to write her a letter as he dictated what to write…. Ps.  My dictation skills are not off, he just talks to hear his voice!

finally, he decided to show his love to sissy by drawing her a picture of a monster…. Little brothers!  Gotta love ’em!image

The Strange Deisz Family

Have we mentioned that Danielle can be a weird kid? Have you met her family? The Deisz family is known for the strange faces and overall weirdness…but that’s why people love us!








Here is her weird Uncle Dave make faces at each other!








Send us your weirdest face! Either post it on Facebook or send it to my phone (971-404-5114) I’ll show it to Danielle and if it makes her laugh hard enough you may join “The Strange Deisz Family” post.

Mom and Danielle…









Send good vibes!