How Far We Have Come…

I just went to the family kitchen, Danielle wanted a second helping of my homemade spaghetti and I told her she needs to get this one herself…I realized I’ve been coddling her like an infant and getting up and moving as much as possible is in her best interest.  Anyway, I went along to the kitchen with her and a small, young woman came in while we were there.  She looked tired and I didn’t recognize her.  Danielle got her food and I lingered to get a sparkling water once the lady was finished preparing a cup of coffee.

After Danielle walked out she turned to me and asked “is that your daughter?” and I told her it was.  She then proceeded to tell me, tears welling in her eyes, that they just got here and are still waiting on the bone marrow biopsy for her 15 year old son.  They had no idea what was wrong with him yet, but they were very scared. This woman was tiny, with big brown eyes that looked terrified.  I wanted to wrap my arms around her and protect her from what she was facing, but I haven’t had any beers and if you know me, that’s the only thing that will give me the courage to hug a stranger.

I told her that she couldn’t be in a better place and that I would pray for her and that if she needed someone to talk to, which room I was in.  I wanted to tell her it would be alright, but I knew that was a lie.  There are no guarantees that we will walk out of this place with our children, that is the scariest and most helpless feeling a parent can face.  So I offered the only thing I could, my friendship and my support along with some natural sleeping aids.

I cried when I got back to our room, but once I was done feeling her pain and fear, it made me realize how far we’ve come.  In two very long months, we’ve gone from those terrified parents to fairly strong ones. (We still have our moments) I know the biggest reason we are doing as well as we are is all the support we are getting from friends, family and even from strangers.  Thank you all.  We love you and this story will have a happy ending. 🙂

-Danielle’s mom

2 thoughts on “How Far We Have Come…”

  1. I bet two months feels like light years though after what you’ve all been through. Thinking and praying for you often. Thanks for all the blog posts. Though you may not get many responses, many are reading and appreciate the updates. Tell Danielle to make any special requests for fun things Aunt Erica can bring her. Love you!

  2. Trina,
    You me to brought tears, sharing part of what you’re feeling and going through. It’s impossible to know what you are feeling and thinking. I know scared and helpless. Both you and Bill have been so amazingly strong and 100% there for Danielle. And Danielle has shown such fortitude and pluck.

    You have grown up Trina, and it was the “hard way”. You have both faced probably the most scariest thing you could ever face in life. And you both have done it with grace and love. I love you all so very much. And through all of this I have learned not to take one member of the family for granted. Aunt Neenee

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