Trina was putting Danielle’s hair in a ponytail and noticed little red spots on her neck, Danielle stated that dad found red spots too a few days before. Then Danielle pointed out a blood blister on the inside of her cheek. Mom told her to rinse with listerine and to go to school.
After getting Danielle and Devon off to school, Mom and Dad talk about all the little things and decide something is not right. Dad scheduled a same day appointment with DR Thomas.
After talking about the red dots anda brief exam, Dr Thomas orders a blood test. The test quickly comes back with very upsetting results.
- Red Blood cells are close to normal (ok)
- White Blood cells are VERY high (bad)
- Platelets are VERY low 27 (normal is between 140 and 440)
We are advised to go to “Doernbechers Childrens Hospital” emergency room and pack an overnight bag. Also, Dr Thomas advised us that it would be a good idea to get a nice family dinner in before we go. I’m so glad that we did as it’s been full speed since.
We also made a quick stop at the video game store and mom bought Danielle a new Nintendo DS… Danielle was thinking this getting sick business was GOOD business, that will all change soon!
Mom had her pose with her new DS once we reached the hospital.

In the ER we have blood drawn, tests done and lots of long conversations with different people, all very very nice. Morgan & Scott show up and we get assigned a room. We find that her platelet count is now down to 8 (below 100 is classified as emergency)
They will do a platelet infusion tonight in hopes of getting the level up
Thankfully Morgan, Scott and Ashley were here so Mom and Dad could get a good cry in without freaking Danielle out.
After staying up 2am we call it a night and try to get some sleep. And I truly think Danielle thinks we are all over reacting.