Today is day three of chemo, Danny is doing great but is starting to have some side effects. She has lost a lot of her appetite and feels pretty sick every time she tries to walk. Her spirits are still really high and she’s acting like her normal goofy self.
But today we decided to make some bracelets with some beads we got from Kelli.

Danielle was happy to watch me make the bracelets while she laid back, trying to make the nausea go away.

But after awhile she couldn’t resist the arts and crafts and had to start coloring!
She started making a poster for the door so all the kids can start to get to know her. It seems like it’s starting to set in for her that this will be her life for awhile and she needs to make the best of it. Mom talked with her and encouraged her to make some friends while she’s here so the time still go by faster and so she has someone who understands exactly what she’s going through.
Parents seem to be doing well and are also settling in to their new environment.
Send positive vibes everyone!!
Thought would be good support for Danielle to make “Team Danielle” brackets for family. Any idea where Kelli found the beads????
Any craft store+ I think Kelli went to dollar store